donderdag 27 januari 2011

Thursday January 27, 2011

Read some websites about HDR photography (combining 3 pictures with different exposure times into 1 image). Had to give it a try. Tried to get a somewhat real-looking and an obviously fake-looking effect. So 2 pics of the day this time. Well 6 actually. ;)

maandag 17 januari 2011

Sunday January 16, 2011

Saturday January 15, 2011

Mmmm, bubbly...

Friday January 14, 2011

Thursday January 13, 2011

Wednesday January 12, 2011

Tuesday January 11, 2011

Monday January 10, 2011

Erlie the owl

Sunday January 9, 2011

An old favorite of mine...

Saturday January 8, 2011

Har, har!

Friday January 7, 2011

Jacob and Selmak, elephant extraordinaire.

Thursday January 6, 2011

Wednesday January 5, 2011

Life caught up with me. And my point and shoot camera broke down. Lots of reasons I didn't get to posting pictures. I did take daily pictures, however, so here's 2 weeks worth of updates...

A piece of art on our wall: